It is important to start caring for your baby’s teeth as soon as she has any! Tooth decay can affect baby teeth and this can cause a number of problems, from infections to bad breath to feeding and speech problems.
- Clean your baby’s teeth twice a day. Use a washcloth with warm water or a baby toothbrush with soft bristles to gently clean your baby’s teeth.
- You can go ahead and start using toothpaste at 6 months of age. Use a small smear of toothpaste on the toothbrush. Your child will swallow most of it which is fine. It used to be recommended to use non-fluoride toothpaste at this age, but now it is felt to be safe to use fluoride toothpaste at all ages.
- Keep up to date with your child’s well visits with the pediatrician.
- If your child drinks from a bottle, never put the baby in bed with the bottle. This can cause tooth decay.
- Begin transitioning to a cup around 9-12 months old.
- Don’t give babies more than 4 oz. of juice per day, if any at all. Juice generally is not healthy for kids.
- Use water in the home that contains fluoride. Children older than 6 months of age can take fluoride supplements if the water in the home does not contain fluoride.
- Schedule a visit to the dentist when the first teeth come in or around your child’s first birthday, and establish a dental home for your child.